The Etiquette Book for the REST OF US – October 7, 2009

by David Newman (
True confession time – I hate the topic of etiquette and I hate etiquette books. They’re preachy, academic, and not relevant to me in my day-to-day business…

…EXCEPT this one.

That’s So Annoying” is the ultimate guide for the rest of us – folks that live in the real world who are savvy business pros. This book is 100% aimed at YOU if your success depends on the way you speak, listen, act (and react), communicate, and behave in your day-to-day dealings of business and life. (And trust me, it DOES!)

The book’s content is engaging, smart, funny, and incredibly useful and relevant to any level of professional in any industry. With well over 100 different topics, this book is a quick and easy read cover to cover AND it’s also a great start-anywhere reference guide that’s well-organized and even features a fun 5-point “Annoyance Rating System” to give you a sense of what’s a minor infraction vs. a major gaffe.

The book’s format is also engaging – full color, big photos and fun graphics throughout. Well-highlighted sidebars and tip lists make the content come to life (See p. 106 for 9 Key Complaints about your Voice mails, p. 57 for 20 Common Issues with Cubicle Mates plus 20 solutions, p. 102 for 9 Tips to Consider About Your Next Email, p. 53 for the top 10 Offenses Deemed Unacceptable by Senior Managers)

The physical book is also beautifully produced – heavy glossy paper, great design, and a solid “feel” all make this a business reference that you’ll be proud to display on your shelf – but chances are greater that you’ll want to keep it closer by on your desk and refer to it often.

Frankly, buying a copy for everyone on your team might be the cheapest and most painless way for you to make sure you never have to find yourself in a situation saying, “That’s So Annoying!!”

3 cheers and 5 gold stars to Cynthia Lett for hitting a home run with this terrific resource. Grab your copy now – you’ll thank me later.

This entry was posted in Book, book review, business etiquette, conversation, Courtesy, Cynthia Lett, Dining Etiquette, Diplomacy, disability etiquette, e-mail, etiquette, Expert, first impression, gifts, Interviewing, job search, leadership, manners, networking, Office Attire, Proper Dress, quotes, recommendations, swearing, table manners, thank you notes, That's So Annoying, That's So Annoying Book, The Lett Group, Tipping, toasting, Toasting, Training, Travel Etiquette, western etiquette. Bookmark the permalink.

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