Dining Skills for the Savvy Professional – New date just added

NEVER lose another deal – blow another job interview – or miss out on another high-level opportunity – because of a totally preventable dining etiquette disaster! Etiquette in business is much more than knowing which fork to use when dining or how to greet clients when at lunch. To be sure you don’t get embarrassed in business, you must present yourself as a savvy professional to be taken seriously, move ahead more easily, and win more often.  In a fun and active atmosphere, learn the skills you need to navigate through casual and formal dining situations. Learn how to recognize and use all types of flatware, table settings, conversation topics, toasting, handling mishaps, host and guest duties and much more. Four course meal included in participant fee.

Personally led by international etiquette and protocol expert Cynthia Lett, this program has been called “Engaging, smart, funny, and incredibly useful and relevant to any level of professional in any industry.”

The Lett Group/Professional Savvy is offering our Dining Skills for the Savvy Professional public registration program on April 16, 2010.

Location: Doubletree Hotel & Conference Center

8120 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20814

Time: 11:30am until 2pm

For a full description of the program and fee, click here.

This program is especially valuable if you are:

  • networking to gain more business
  • job hunting
  • visiting your in-laws for the first time
  • interviewing
  • interested in learning to be a better host
  • interested in learning to be a better guest
  • intimidated by formal dining

This is a chance to gain confidence as both a guest and a host for all of your future entertaining.

This entry was posted in business etiquette, conversation, Courtesy, Cynthia Lett, DC, Dining Etiquette, etiquette, Expert, first impression, International Manners, Interviewing, job search, leadership, manners, networking, Sterling Silver, table manners, The Lett Group, Tipping, toasting, Toasting, Training, Washington,D.C., western etiquette. Bookmark the permalink.

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