Category Archives: Diplomacy

Singapore Advertises Courtesy

This is a poster visible in the subway/metro system in Singapore to remind riders that common courtesy makes everyone’s day better. I wonder how that would work in other countries….

Posted in Civility, Courtesy, Cynthia Lett, Diplomacy, etiquette, first impression, International Greetings, International Manners, manners, Singapore, soft skills, That's So Annoying, That's So Annoying Book, The Lett Group, Travel Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

New Dress Code for the Vatican

Vatican tourists told to cover up or face ban over skimpy clothes By Travelmail Reporter Last updated at 4:28 PM on 30th July 2010 Comments (9) Add to My Stories The Vatican has imposed a crack-down on tourists’ clothing and … Continue reading

Posted in Civility, Courtesy, Diplomacy, Exhibitionism, first impression, hospitality, International Manners, international protocol, manners, Proper Dress, protocol, Religion etiquette, Travel Etiquette | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

What is the Proper Etiquette Response to “Why Is My Stomach Growling?” ?

Check out the article on today on what it means when your stomach is growling.  I am the source for the etiquette of what to do when yours or other people’s stomachs growl.

Posted in Children's Etiquette, Civility, conversation, Courtesy, Cynthia Lett, Diplomacy, etiquette, first impression, job search, manners, Pet Peeves, recommendations, table manners, That's So Annoying, That's So Annoying Book, The Lett Group, western etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

25 Rules of Civility

When George Washington (the first President of the United States) was a teen, he learned to write and read by copying the 100 Rules of Civility which were written in France and sent to school masters in American colonies for … Continue reading

Posted in business etiquette, Children's Etiquette, Civility, conversation, Cynthia Lett, Dining Etiquette, Diplomacy, etiquette, Expert, first impression, getting a job, leadership, manners, protocol, thank you notes, The Lett Group, Training, western etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Global Etiquette For Business Travelers – Forbes

…a great tip sheet for professionals who are looking for ways to do business correctly overseas… Continue reading

Posted in Australian etiquette, business etiquette, chinese etiquette, conversation, Cynthia Lett, Dining Etiquette, Diplomacy, Dubai etiquette, Embassies, etiquette, Expert, first impression, gifts, International Greetings, International Manners, international protocol, Japan, Japanese Etiquette, leadership, manners, media coverage of etiquette, Proper Dress, recommendations, table manners, The Lett Group, Tipping, Toasting, Training, Travel Etiquette, western etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Etiquette Book for the REST OF US – October 7, 2009

Frankly, buying a copy for everyone on your team might be the cheapest and most painless way for you to make sure you never have to find yourself in a situation saying, “That’s So Annoying!!” Continue reading

Posted in Book, book review, business etiquette, conversation, Courtesy, Cynthia Lett, Dining Etiquette, Diplomacy, disability etiquette, e-mail, etiquette, Expert, first impression, gifts, Interviewing, job search, leadership, manners, networking, Office Attire, Proper Dress, quotes, recommendations, swearing, table manners, thank you notes, That's So Annoying, That's So Annoying Book, The Lett Group, Tipping, toasting, Toasting, Training, Travel Etiquette, western etiquette | Leave a comment

“That’s So Annoying” – Book Review in the Standard-Examiner, 9/13/2009

In “That’s So Annoying: An Etiquette Expert on the World’s Most Irritating Habits and What To Do About Them” (Skyhorse Publishing, 2009), Lett offered advice that ranged from laughing off the offense and moving on with your life to confronting the offender in a positive, nonthreatening way that would not cause embarrassment. Continue reading

Posted in Book, book review, business etiquette, conversation, Courtesy, Cynthia Lett, Dining Etiquette, Diplomacy, disability etiquette, e-mail, etiquette, Expert, first impression, gifts, Interviewing, job search, leadership, manners, media coverage of etiquette, networking, Office Attire, Pet Peeves, Proper Dress, quotes, recommendations, swearing, table manners, That's So Annoying, That's So Annoying Book, The Lett Group, toasting, Toasting, Training, Travel Etiquette | Leave a comment

“That’s So Annoying” – A Book Review

Everyone should be armed with this book from political leaders, executives, medical professionals, entrepreneurs, moms and dads and teenagers. Each of us does something annoying at one time or another. Why not identify it and fix it before somebody has to tell you. Continue reading

Posted in Book, business etiquette, certified etiquette professional, certified protocol professional, Children's Etiquette, conversation, Courtesy, CPP, Cynthia Lett, Dining Etiquette, Diplomacy, disability etiquette, Displaying the Flag, e-mail, etiquette, Expert, first impression, funerals, Interviewing, job search, leadership, manners, Office Attire, Pet Peeves, Proper Dress, quotes, recommendations, swearing, table manners, thank you notes, That's So Annoying, That's So Annoying Book, The Lett Group, Tipping, toasting, Toasting, Training, Travel Etiquette, western etiquette | Leave a comment

Breaking Up Electronically

You have the power to pick up the phone and call the person and have a conversation that doesn’t include a keyboard. If you accept electronic communication as the main means for interaction then you can have no complaint when you are told by Tweet that the relationship is over. Continue reading

Posted in business etiquette, conversation, Courtesy, Cynthia Lett, Diplomacy, e-mail, etiquette, first impression, leadership, manners, recommendations, The Lett Group, Training, western etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What about President Obama Bowing to the Japanese Emperor?

I have heard many pundits talk about the bow that President Obama made when he met Emperor Akihito and that it was too low and not reciprocated by the Emperor.   I have seen the photo of the greeting and it … Continue reading

Posted in business etiquette, Diplomacy, etiquette, first impression, International Greetings, International Manners, international protocol, ISPEP, Japan, Japanese Etiquette, leadership, manners, media coverage of etiquette, politics, President Obama, protocol, The Lett Group, western etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment