Category Archives: international protocol

Professional Savvy launched today!

n an effort to better serve our clients and to make finding what we offer easier, we have separated the main parts of The Lett Group ( into separate URLs. Continue reading

Posted in business etiquette, certified etiquette professional, certified protocol professional, conversation, Cynthia Lett, DC, Diplomacy, disability etiquette, Displaying the Flag, e-mail, etiquette, Expert, funerals, gifts, international protocol, Interviewing, leadership, manners, Office Attire, Proper Dress, protocol, recommendations, Sterling Silver, thank you notes, The Lett Group, Tipping, toasting, Toasting, Training, Travel Etiquette, Washington,D.C. | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Times (London) Theatre Critic Sheds New Light on Theatre Etiquette

The rules for proper etiquette while attending a theatre show haven’t changed much over the years.  I put the list on my website,, seven years ago.  Today I found an article from the Times (Online) in which the chief … Continue reading

Posted in Cynthia Lett, etiquette, international protocol, manners, recommendations, Travel Etiquette, western etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Candid Radio Interview with Willie Jolley

I had the opportunity a few months ago to visit Willie Jolley at the Sirius/XM studio in Washington, DC during his show on The Power station – XM 169. You will hear first about Attitude (along with a little music) … Continue reading

Posted in business etiquette, Cynthia Lett, etiquette, Expert, Favorite Blogs, international protocol, That's So Annoying Book, The Lett Group, Washington,D.C. | Leave a comment

How You Dress = How You Are Treated

We make a statement about who we are by how we present ourselves to others. Dressing well is an easy method for better social and business success. Continue reading

Posted in business etiquette, Cynthia Lett, etiquette, international protocol, manners, Proper Dress, Travel Etiquette, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Travelling to Dubai? What to wear?

What to wear in Dubai if you are a visitor. Continue reading

Posted in Cynthia Lett, international protocol, Proper Dress, Travel Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Thank-you Note after State Dinner?

Savvy people know that after you have enjoyed the hospitality at a dinner party, the proper thing to do is to write a thank-you note to the hostess (or host is there wasn’t a hostess). But, what if you are … Continue reading

Posted in business etiquette, certified protocol professional, Cynthia Lett, international protocol, manners, Queen Elizabeth II, state dinner, thank you notes | Leave a comment