Egypt – Dining Etiquette

Did you know in Egypt, in restaurants, looking at a fellow diner’s plate is considered rude?  If you do you are showing your desire for their food or envy at what they have on their plate.  If the other diner notices your look, they will offer to share.  If they don’t they believe that they will get the “evil eye” which is to be avoided at all costs.  If you are caught in your stare by the other diner, you will be offered some of what is on their plate.  The proper thing is to refuse or even refuse twice, but on the third offer accept a little on your plate.  If you don’t you will be saying it is bad and that you wouldn’t like what they have chosen to eat.

If you are eating in someone’s home in Egypt, you can look at each other’s plates because everyone is eating the same food, usually served family style.  In this scenario there is no comparison of wealth or choice.

Never leave a totally clean plate, no matter where you are dining in Egypt.  This sends the signal to the host that there wasn’t enough offered and that you may still be hungry.  Always leave a little of each kind of food on the plate.

Don’t worry if you forget these rules though.  Travelers are granted leniency when dealing with Egyptian etiquette rules.  A good thing for many foreign travelers.

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