Egypt: Meeting and Greeting

An Egyptian greeting involved repeated expressions of welcome.  For Arab men, the greeting is taking each other’s right hand, putting the left hand on the other’s shoulder and kissing each cheek.  For Westernized men a simple handshake will be the norm.  Any kissing only takes place between members of  the same sex.

Punctuality is not a priority.  I have been to meetings where the person I was meeting didn’t show up at all.

You may not be introduced to the wife of a traditional Egyptian man.   Always wait for the other party to initiate physical contact such as a handshake.   Smile and introduce yourself verbally.  If you are a woman, you can introduce yourself to a traditional Egyptian woman but men should follow the lead of the Egyptian man in the group.

Many Egyptian men and women are more Westernized and if they are involved in business, they will initiate the greeting and handshake – follow their lead.

If a business card is offered, make sure you have yours to give.  Always give your card with your right hand.  Accept cards with your right hand as well.  You can hold it in your left hand but don’t put it away while you are in the presence of the giver.

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