Greece: Eating and Drinking

The drinking age in Greece is 16.

Greece is a very open and friendly country, especially when it comes to dining.  In a neighborhood restaurant after you meet the owner, you may be encouraged to visit the kitchen and choose your meal from what you see being prepared.  You can also just say, “bring what you think I might like” to your waiter.

If you dine in a group you would order many different dishes to share.  If you decide you want something additional, you can order it during the meal as you think of it – not just at the beginning when you first sit.  The wait staff is not going to hover over you. They will leave you to your group and your meal.  It’s up to you to attract the waiter’s attention if you want something.  They will however be very friendly.  In many restaurants the tip will be automatically added to the check (the menu will have a statement to that effect).  If not, the standard is 15% – for really bad service you should still leave 5%.

Smoking during meals may be seen, although you should ask permission of the management before you smoke even if others are smoking.  Always ask permission of your fellow diners before lighting up.

If you are lucky enough to be asked to dine in someone’s home, you will be offered seconds and thirds at the meal.  Eating well is a compliment to the host.   If you are dining out, your host will pay the whole bill.

The most common toast is “Kalymata” which means Good Health.

Coffee is never rushed by Greeks.  Expect to savor yours for at least a half hour.  Chlled coffee (Frappe) is very popular.

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