Tag Archives: brunch etiquette

What is the Proper Etiquette Response to “Why Is My Stomach Growling?” ?

Check out the article on bettyconfidential.com today on what it means when your stomach is growling.  I am the source for the etiquette of what to do when yours or other people’s stomachs growl.

Posted in Children's Etiquette, Civility, conversation, Courtesy, Cynthia Lett, Diplomacy, etiquette, first impression, job search, manners, Pet Peeves, recommendations, table manners, That's So Annoying, That's So Annoying Book, The Lett Group, western etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

You’re invited: Dining Skills for the Savvy Professional (DC metro)

NEVER lose another deal – blow another job interview – or miss out on another high-level opportunity – because of a totally preventable dining etiquette disaster! Continue reading

Posted in business etiquette, conversation, Cynthia Lett, Dining Etiquette, etiquette, Expert, first impression, International Manners, international protocol, job search, manners, networking, Sterling Silver, table manners, The Lett Group, Tipping, toasting, Toasting, Training | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Manners reborn: why a new generation prefers etiquette to ecstasy …

…according to a new survey, a startling proportion of young people are confounding Churchill’s wisdom and wholeheartedly celebrating traditional conservative values. They believe in the importance of manners, espouse the joys of the family unit, and, most surprising of all, more than three quarters believe that the country has changed for the worse. Continue reading

Posted in Children's Etiquette, conversation, Cynthia Lett, Dining Etiquette, etiquette, first impression, International Manners, international protocol, leadership, manners, table manners, The Lett Group, Training | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

3 Tips for Networking Conversation

Start a conversation with the most “important” person in the room. Continue reading

Posted in business etiquette, conversation, Cynthia Lett, etiquette, Interviewing, leadership, manners, networking, The Lett Group | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

From GulfNews.com – Etiquette instruction has become necessary in Dubai Hotels

Hotels issue brunch etiquette norms By Kevin Scott, Staff Reporter Published: November 05, 2008, 23:33 Dubai: Expatriates and visitors to Dubai are being reminded of what is considered acceptable behaviour at the city’s notorious brunches. Several hotels have taken steps … Continue reading

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