Tag Archives: disability etiquette

That Annoying Kid in the Restaurant

Etiquette is the vehicle to living in a polite, gracious society.  There are many segments of that society – some we enjoy being around, some we abhor. With Autism growing to affect one out of 80 boys in the United … Continue reading

Posted in Children's Etiquette, Civility, conversation, Courtesy, disability etiquette, first impression, gifts, hospitality, leadership, manners, media coverage of etiquette, recommendations, soft skills, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Buggie Buddies Ashley N’Cole Shopping Program Announced

My colleague, Ellen Shackelford, President of Connections Access Consulting Services, LLC (CACS) is our disability etiquette expert.  Her organization just launched an innovative and valuable program called Buggie Buddies Ashley N’cole®  Shopping Program.  It is a concept developed to assist … Continue reading

Posted in disability etiquette, etiquette, leadership, manners, recommendations, The Lett Group, Training | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment