Tag Archives: gestures

Singapore Advertises Courtesy

This is a poster visible in the subway/metro system in Singapore to remind riders that common courtesy makes everyone’s day better. I wonder how that would work in other countries….

Posted in Civility, Courtesy, Cynthia Lett, Diplomacy, etiquette, first impression, International Greetings, International Manners, manners, Singapore, soft skills, That's So Annoying, That's So Annoying Book, The Lett Group, Travel Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

That Annoying Kid in the Restaurant

Etiquette is the vehicle to living in a polite, gracious society.  There are many segments of that society – some we enjoy being around, some we abhor. With Autism growing to affect one out of 80 boys in the United … Continue reading

Posted in Children's Etiquette, Civility, conversation, Courtesy, disability etiquette, first impression, gifts, hospitality, leadership, manners, media coverage of etiquette, recommendations, soft skills, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Retirement Gifts

I was asked today what would be some good gifts to give to someone who is retiring.  While I don’t know how much you want to spend or how close you are to the retiree, so here are some varied … Continue reading

Posted in Book, Courtesy, gifts, manners, recommendations | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

25 Rules of Civility

When George Washington (the first President of the United States) was a teen, he learned to write and read by copying the 100 Rules of Civility which were written in France and sent to school masters in American colonies for … Continue reading

Posted in business etiquette, Children's Etiquette, Civility, conversation, Cynthia Lett, Dining Etiquette, Diplomacy, etiquette, Expert, first impression, getting a job, leadership, manners, protocol, thank you notes, The Lett Group, Training, western etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Global Etiquette For Business Travelers – Forbes

…a great tip sheet for professionals who are looking for ways to do business correctly overseas… Continue reading

Posted in Australian etiquette, business etiquette, chinese etiquette, conversation, Cynthia Lett, Dining Etiquette, Diplomacy, Dubai etiquette, Embassies, etiquette, Expert, first impression, gifts, International Greetings, International Manners, international protocol, Japan, Japanese Etiquette, leadership, manners, media coverage of etiquette, Proper Dress, recommendations, table manners, The Lett Group, Tipping, Toasting, Training, Travel Etiquette, western etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How To Work A Room With Ease

BWSmallBiz — Etiquette October 9, 2009, 5:00PM EST text size: TT How to Work a Room with Ease Tips for networking among strangers Jan Feindt By Louise Lee Small Biz HUNGRY? If you arrive hungry or thirsty, hit the buffet … Continue reading

Posted in conversation, Courtesy, Cynthia Lett, DC, Dining Etiquette, Diplomacy, Embassies, etiquette, Expert, first impression, leadership, manners, networking, table manners, That's So Annoying Book, The Lett Group | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

When Insults Had Class

Because I am an etiquette expert, people are careful about what they say and how they say it when around me.  What they should know is that the top experts in proper etiquette understand human behavior well and we find … Continue reading

Posted in conversation, Cynthia Lett, Diplomacy, International Manners, manners, media coverage of etiquette, quotes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lack of civility is bad example – Washington Times

This wonderfully written article in today’s Washington Times reflects my own opinion about recent incivilities in the sports world reported on in the news. HAGELIN: Lack of civility is bad example – Washington Times Shared via AddThis

Posted in business etiquette, conversation, Cynthia Lett, Diplomacy, etiquette, leadership, manners, media coverage of etiquette, politics, protocol, sports, swearing, Training | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Protocol Training Seminar Oct. 1&2

If you work in a protocol office or if you plan international meetings, you will benefit from Managing Protocol Issues, our 2-day seminar which will be offered in Bethesda, Maryland on October 1-2 at the Doubletree Hotel and Meeting Center. … Continue reading

Posted in Cynthia Lett, DC, Dining Etiquette, e-mail, etiquette, Event Planning, Expert, International Manners, international protocol, leadership, manners, protocol, recommendations, Sterling Silver, table manners, thank you notes, The Lett Group, Tipping, toasting, Toasting, Training, Travel Etiquette, Washington,D.C., western etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

When Queen Elizabeth II Comes To Your Town…

Etiquette experts give advice on royal treatment; abrazos discouraged By Loydean Thomas – Express-News Originally published on May 17, 1991.What do you do when the queen of England comes to call? The thing to do is be yourself but don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Diplomacy, etiquette, Event Planning, Expert, International Manners, international protocol, manners, politics, protocol, Queen Elizabeth II, recommendations, Training, Travel Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment